Ah, so you have finally decided, “I want to Sell My Tesla.” Great decision! Teslas are high in demand, and selling online would be a piece of cake, isn’t it? Well, it can be-only if you avoid the pitfalls into which many a Tesla seller has fallen. So let us go directly to the nuts and bolts so you would be able to avoid these mistakes and have an absolutely silky-smooth experience with selling online.
First mistake? Price your Tesla blindfolded trying to pin the tail on the donkey. Serious mistake. A number of people price their car without any research based on whatever comes into their head. They’d be like, “My Model 3 is looking great; just throw some zeros on it.” Prospective buyers aren’t blind to inflated numbers, so first know what similar models sell for. Check out some websites like Kelley Blue Book or Edmunds to get a reality check.
The other newbie mistake is poor photo quality. Think about it, posting low-resolution or underexposed images is trying to sell a Picasso with half of the canvas ripped off. People buying Teslas, Ferraris among the electric lot-really need the details and angles, the whole nine yards. Take shots of it from different angles: one looking structured, another in its soft light, and most importantly, the interior shots that might make their heart skip a beat. First, clean up the car and probably give it an extra nice polish so the ‘wow’ factor is multiplied. Then, there’s the lost art of the description: apparently, “Model S, good condition” paints the picture of it all. Paint the picture! Does your Tesla boast those cool self-driving features? Got that premium sound system, better than seeing a live concert? Be honest, and extravagant with the details, like a Renaissance portrait painter, without crossing that terrible exaggeration zone which buyers can smell from afar.